Monday, March 17, 2014

Gavin Goes to Frankfort!

The Legislative Page Program provides students the unique and educational experience of serving legislators in the House Chambers during a legislative session. Gavin represented Woodlawn Elementary and the Boyle County Schools as a student page on March 11, 2014. Thank you, Gavin!
Here is what Gavin said about the day: 
I served as a Legislative Page during the 2014 Legislative Session. As a page, I spent time on the Senate floor and had the honor of shadowing Senator Chris Girdler. Through the day, I was able to tour Frankfort and learned how the legislature makes new laws and changes old ones. I am so glad I was able to participate as a Student Page at the Capitol. 

We are so proud of you, Gavin! Thank you for representing Woodlawn. :)

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